Author name: gosh

What’s All the Buzz about Native Plants?

Native columbine.  Photo Pixabay Everybody is talking about native plants in our landscapes.  Why? What are native plants? Native plants are plants that have evolved in a particular place over a long enough period of time to develop complex and essential relationships with the physical environment and other organisms in an ecological community. Why is

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The Importance of Soil Testing in Your Landscape Plan

Fertilizer label 18-24-12 If plants don’t get the necessary nutrients, they will not grow effectively.  Soil tests were specifically developed to identify situations where nutrient supply is inadequate so a gardener can supplement the soil with fertilizer.  Now is the time to find out the make-up of your soil so you can provide optimal conditions

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Will the Warm December of 2015 Affect Plants?

The Late Winter Start Tricked Plants into Blooming December was uncharacteristically warm in Southeastern Pennsylvania. We noticed daffodils, tulips and crocus poking out of the ground. In addition to bulbs, we saw shrubs like forsythia, rhododendron and early dogwoods come out of dormancy earlier than usual. The average temperature for December was approximately 15 degrees

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4 Signs You May Need a Landscape Renovation

If things look shabby, don’t worry! Change can be exciting! First impressions matter and if you think your current landscaping isn’t attractive and your plantings are 15-20+ years old, chances are things are looking tired, overgrown and outdated. As a professional landscaper in Southeastern PA, we talk to many homeowners about updating their landscaping. We

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