Yard Drainage Problems and How to Fix Them
Does your yard look like a mini lake after a heavy rain? Do your plants and lawn struggle to grow because of wet areas?...
Where to Find Landscaping Inspiration
Inspiration and ideas can come from different sources Do you ever look at your landscaping with disappointment? Do you realize you just don't have the...
2016 PHS Gold Medal Winners
Cherry Tree Blossom. Pixabay Image Chosen for beauty, performance and hardiness in our region. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) selects plants each year that...
Will the Warm December of 2015 Affect Plants?
The Late Winter Start Tricked Plants into Blooming December was uncharacteristically warm in Southeastern Pennsylvania. We noticed daffodils, tulips and crocus poking out of...
Landscaping in Stages – Great Way to Get the Yard You’ll Love
Most great yards don't happen overnight. None of us were lucky to have won the grand power ball jackpot so it looks like we'll...
Landscaping Trends for 2016
Longwood Gardens' Nightscape Exhibit Families take pride and comfort in their backyards With 2015 firmly in the rear-view mirror, Whitehouse Landscaping thought it would...
4 Signs You May Need a Landscape Renovation
If things look shabby, don't worry! Change can be exciting! First impressions matter and if you think your current landscaping isn't attractive and your...
A Unique Landscaping Gift Idea
Give a Gift Certificate this Christmas for Landscaping Looking for something special for that hard-to-buy person on your list? Think Out-of-the Box and give...
Winter Container Plantings
Add a punch to your winter landscape! Why put your containers away for the winter? Nothing says 'Happy Holidays' or 'Welcome' like an attractive...
Backyard Renovation
'Before' renovation Outdoor spaces are extensions of today's homes It's a great experience to be able to transform a property into something a client...
Landscape Design is an Ideal Fall/Winter Project
Plan now and be ready to execute early next spring. Before we're buried under two feet of snow, fall and early winter is really...
Color Your Landscape this Fall
Ornamental Cabbage. Photo Pixabay Rely on fall favorites to refresh your landscap Just because summer is ending does it mean that it's the end...