Yard Drainage Solutions that Solve Homeowner Headaches


Excess Puddling in yards causes major headaches.

For a homeowner with drainage issues, heavy spring and fall rainfalls can be frustrating.  Soggy lawns are not uncommon in Montgomery and Chester counties.  The topography in these counties show undulating hills and in addition, many areas have clay soil.  Clay soil is not very permeable and naturally creates drainage issues.

Rotting grass and plant roots, muddy surfaces for kids and pets, insect proliferation, basement moisture and mold can be some of the many unpleasant results.

If you have water pooling around your yard, then it’s time to consider our customized drainage solutions.  There are a few different techniques we utilize when addressing drainage problems in the landscape.  No two properties are the same and neither are the solutions.

Whitehouse Landscaping's Professional Drainage Contractor Certification

Whitehouse Landscaping’s Professional Drainage Contractor Certification

Drainage Problems Often Found in Montgomery or Chester Counties

Some of the more common homeowner drainage problems are:

  • Improperly Installed downspouts
  • Improper grading
  • Run off from neighbors
  • Surface depressions

Read more about Yard Drainage Problems and how to fix them.

Drainage Solutions

One way to address such drainage problem areas is to help the water move through the area more rapidly by giving water a specific destination to flow.    Which solution and technique is right for your home and landscape all depend on your unique situation.

French Drains –   A French drain is an underground system, designed to take advantage of gravity and redirect water flow by moving water to a designated area.  Once we figure out where the water should go, we dig a trench and place pipes along with gravel to filter the water and direct it into the pipe.  A catch basin is sometimes used which allows you to keep an eye on how the system is working and also provides access for cleaning out the pipe if necessary.

We also install French drains behind retaining walls, where water would otherwise pool with no place to go.

Bury and Redirect Downspouts –  Misdirected downspouts cause drainage issues.  Water that drains from the roof but isn’t directed away from the house will find its way into the foundation of your house or possibly flood surrounding areas in the yard.  Quite often we attach extensions to the end of the downspout which are buried which force water away from the base of the house.   Depending on the situation, several options are available to continue to redirect the water.  One option would be to have the water directed to a nearby bed.

Crew was hard working and friendly. Ted gave pleasant yet honest advice about our drainage issues.” Peg and Richard S., Royersford, PA


Dry Creek bed in Pottstown helps with erosion control.

Dry Creek Beds –  A dry creek bed can be installed by making a shallow depression in a certain area that might have a slope and filling it with river rock of various shapes, textures and colors.  This bed collects excess rainwater where it can percolate into the ground or it might be at the end of a buried drainage pipe.   Besides the practical aspect of improving landscape drainage, these features can also be very attractive with gentle curves.   Some homeowners with absolutely no drainage problems in their yard build them just because they like the way they look.

Dry Wells – A dry well (or flow well) is simply a hole that is filled with stone, creating an area where water will collect and slowly drain back into the soil.  Sometimes a tank can be used.  They are often placed at the conjunction of several French drains or piped from a downspout.   This system can usually handle large volumes of water and often are installed a good distance away from the home and on a downward slope.

Start of a rain garden. After excavation and grading, soil will be amended and native plants will be added. A rain garden makes the best use of collecting and managing Mother Nature's downpours.

Start of a rain garden. After excavation and grading, soil will be amended and native plants will be added. A rain garden makes the best use of collecting and managing Mother Nature’s downpours.

Rain Gardens – Rain gardens are perfect if an area of your garden remains always soggy and grass is tough to grow.  There are many shrubs and perennials that tolerate wet conditions.  A rain garden can enhance the beauty of your yard and at the same time, provide valuable habitat for birds, butterflies and many beneficial insects.

Re-grading – Your property’s slope influences how water travels.  Even very shallow slopes and minor elevation changes can direct water flow.  Low depressions in your lawn also cause puddling.  The grade of your lawn or landscape beds can be changed or low areas can be filled in to level the grade.   Sometimes installing a berm or swale will divert flow.

This Dry River bed in Spring City, PA was installed for aesthetics and curb appeal.

This Dry River bed in Spring City, PA was installed for aesthetics and curb appeal.

Successful Drainage Should be Part of Any Good Landscape Design

The drainage repair that you did in my neighbor and my backyards in the early summer has withstood 25” of rain and has not had a puddle!! Great Job!” Candace L., Collegeville, PA

Whenever we start a new landscape design project, we always take into consideration any drainage issues or potential issues. However, there are plenty of existing homeowners that battle soggy conditions.  Increasing positive drainage will contribute to overall plant health, less pest management and better functional use of these problems areas.

Whitehouse Landscaping is qualified and experienced to evaluate the sources of runoff affecting your yard.  We understand how water works and the value of natural, aesthetic yard drainage solutions.   Contact us for a free consultation or call us at 484-300-4290.  We’d be happy to analyze, discuss, and improve your drainage problem with the most cost-effective solution to meet your needs.