
Never Underestimate the Power of Nature and a Great View!

Improving your home’s view is a ‘healthy’ investment. Health Benefits Research suggests that exposure and views of nature have therapeutic benefits.  University of Illinois researcher Frances ‘Ming’ Kuo, did a study for the National Recreation and Park Assoc and concluded that green environments cut the time it takes to recover from surgery, improve the way

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Pottstown Area Christmas Tree Disposal

Consider all the options when disposing your tree. It’s time to take down the tree and if you treated yourself to the freshly cut, pine-scented variety, it’s always good to consider available options.  Let’s look at some choices: Recycling.  This is the most environmentally friendly practice.  Recycling instead of throwing away extends the tree’s usability

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To Cut Down a Tree or Not…That is the Question! Thoughts on Cutting Down a Tree

Overgrown Tree What makes a tree undesirable and is it ever OK to remove it Guilt enters into everyone’s mind when the subject of cutting down a tree on your property is discussed.   There’s one big reason to entertain the thought…. It’s the Wrong Tree for the Spot! There are plenty of reasons that trees

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